Sunday, June 5, 2011

God With Us

In the New Testament the first time we see the word "God" it is not in an ethereal spiritual atmosphere. The first time we're told of God, a woman is going through labor in a stable amidst cows and sheep and dung and smells. God is with us in the midst of our greatest pain, and when all around is darkness and inconvenience. Where many would want to keep the God of the universe out among the stars, He chooses to immerse Himself in the dirt and difficulty of the common world. God reveals Himself as Emmanuel; He reveals Himself as being with us. Even though God transcends all problems, He is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives no matter how distasteful.
Of all the people that God could have preserved from going through trials, why wouldn't he Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the Holy Family? And of all the ways God could have come into the world, why would he come as the weakest of creatures, a human infant, completely vulnerable and without power? It is His desire to experience the fullness of our humanity, not our sin, but our suffering, our limitations, and our longing for the infinite. The immensity of God the Father is with us in Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. The question remains: Are you with Him?

1 comment:

  1. Shalom Tikva,

    I give YHWH thanks for this thought provoking post. What really spoke to me is "why would he come as the weakest of creatures, a human infant, completely vulnerable and without power? It is His desire to experience the fullness of our humanity, not our sin, but our suffering, our limitations, and our longing for the infinite." The whole post is really great in that it shows YHWH'S Love, Power, Humility, and His desire to be with Us.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

    Shalom In Messiah

    Ps I hope to hear from you again soon.
